arthinkal biographies

David by Michelangelo

Iconic Artwork: David by Michelangelo

Poster of David by Michelangelo. Image by Vicki Hamilton from Pixabay The subject of today’s article is one of the most famous works of art and sculpture in history, made by one of the...

Guernica mural

Iconic Artwork: Guernica by Pablo Picasso

Reproduction of Guernica. Image by Almudena Sanz from Pixabay Few artworks are able to make an impact that may last for centuries, immortalizing their creators in the process as well. In today’s article, we...

Niccolò Paganini essay

On Niccolò Paganini: The Devil’s Violinist

Niccolò Paganini. See page for author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons In today’s essay, we shall take a look at the life and legend of one of the most influential and celebrated violinists of...

Alfred Dreyfus biography

On the Tragic Life of Alfred Dreyfus

Alfred Dreyfus. Henri Roger-Viollet, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons I am quite sure not many outside of France have heard of the name Alfred Dreyfus. In France, however, Dreyfus is often regarded as the...